​Electro R.S.T​​​​​​​

ایجاد، سیستم مشابه ارت
​​​​​​​بانصب ارت یار الکتریکی در چند دقیقه​​​​​​​
شنبه تا پنجشنبه 7الی17

کلیه سفارشات بعد از تاریخ 20/12/1401 بعد از 15 فروردین 1402 ارسال می گردد

Iran,Patent Registration Number:111635
Electronic Ground Assistant(EGA)

​​Clock Electronic

Electronic Ground Assistant”:Electronic Ground Assistant: An Introduction
The Electronic Ground Assistant (EGA)
is designed to address scenarios where establishing a traditional grounding system is either economically or technically unfeasible. This is particularly relevant in settings such as commercial complexes, mobile banking units, temporary IT installations, and historic buildings where grounding infrastructure may be inadequate or aged.Rationale for the Designation
We branded our system as an “Electronic Ground Assistant” due to its capability to emulate several core functions of conventional grounding systems for low-voltage applications. Specifically, our system is engineered to create a low-voltage reference point electronically, isolated from the neutral line, to counter transient overvoltages and leakage currents up to 30mA for voltages below 600V, albeit for limited durations.
Primary Functions and Operation
Voltage Reference Creation: The EGA system generates a voltage reference close to ground potential, ensuring operational safety for electrical and electronic equipment lacking direct earth grounding.
Interference Mitigation: It effectively eliminates unwanted inductive and surface voltages which can lead to user discomfort and equipment malfunctions, such as those experienced with ATMs and washing machines. The system is also adept at noise suppression, enhancing the operational reliability of sensitive protective devices like residual-current circuit breakers (RCCBs).
Proven Deployment: Over the past three years, our devices have been successfully implemented in bank systems and residential settings, frequently moved and demonstrating robust performance, especially during adverse weather conditions and in areas devoid of grounding facilities.
Protective Features
The Clock-branded EGA incorporates several protective mechanisms, including:Static electricity and induced voltage protection circuit on the chassis/body Neutral Disconnection Protection Overvoltage Protection 30mA Residual-Current Device (RCD) Foreign Conductor Impact Protection Voltage Fluctuation Protection (in smart models)
Expert Insight
As an electronics researcher with extensive experience in the development and deployment of Electronic Ground Assistants, I must emphasize that no electronic or electrical system can fully replace a conventional earthing system

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